Many patients from Iraq and our other target countries who cannot receive the high quality medical care that they want in their country turn to Europe Healthy B.V. to obtain access to high standard medical care in The Netherlands. EH helps these patients with finding the right Hospital and doctor, with arrangement of the whole trip and with the visa procedure. EH has up to now helped many patients with a variety of medical problems with receiving their treatment at top medical institutions like the Erasmus MC, the Ikazia hospital, the Sint Franciscus hospital, Ijsselland hospital, Park clinic hospital, Elisabeth hospital, two city hospital and many other other hospital’s in the Netherland. Also, many hospitals in Belgium and Germany.
How can I apply as a patient?
Make contact with EH and a representative will help you through the whole procedure of finding the right hospital and doctor, acquiring the right documents, travel arrangements, translation service and everything else what is needed to meet your request.
Rotterdam- The Netherlands